+This program presents a situation about which you can ask a whole range of questions in the appropiate language. The aim of the activity is to try to extract as much information as possible from the computer and explore the limits of the program, acquiring a great deal of practice in formulating questions in the language as you proceed. Ask as many SENSIBLE questions as you can. The computer will not be able to answer them all, but it should cope with quite a range of reasonable questions of a type fairly easy to anticipate. Some rephrasing of the questions may get results after an unsuccessful attempt, but it may be interesting to try and 'beat' the computer. A score is given on the screen showing you exactly how many questions the computer managed to answer, and how many defeated its capabilities.oJe m'appelle Jacqueline. J'habite Tours sur la Loire.
Je suis Θtudiante en mΘdecine, mais je travaille
pendant les vacances pour gagner un peu d'argent. Pas
beaucoup! Le travail me plaεt tout de mΩme. Je commence
α huit heures du matin et le travail est terminΘ vers
six heures. C'est un travail intΘressant. Pose-moi des
questions. O∙ est-ce que je travaille?ÑSUGGESTIONS
Does she work out of doors or in a building? (dehors, α l'intΘrieur)
Does she work with her hands? (avec les mains).
Does she drive a vehicle? (conduire une voiture)
Does she sell things? (vendre des choses)
Does she care for people? (soigner des gens)
Does she work in a cinema, a theatre etc? (au cinΘma, au thΘΓtre)
Is she a typist, a nurse etc? (une stΘno-dactylo, une infirmiΦre)